The Beginning

I Neglect Inc.
I Neglect Inc was Founded in 2002 by KJ Henry whom dedicates
I Neglect Inc. and its Mission to his parents Richard E Henry and
Elaine J Henry. Richard E. Henry was a former United States
Marine(SDI) and Elaine J Henry was Graduate from Kent State
University and became a Art Teacher at the Elementary School
I Neglect Inc. is an 501c3 non-profit and has been involved in
SE Texas inner cities serving its underprivileged children in an
array of different activities such as taking 50 kids at a time to
the Houston Astros baseball games from 2008 thru 2014
utilizing established non-profit and youth groups. We donated
tickets and $15 to each kid and there chaperons at each game.
I Neglect Inc conducted 6 Golf Scrambles 6 yrs straight with the
help and support of the late Kal Kitley and Mike Carravella from
Kirby Marine Logistics and its employees.
I Neglect still holds 2 Beach Cleanups a Year with the support
of Jamaica Beach at Jamaica Beach, Texas. Our next Beach
Cleanup will be held on Nov 19th 2022 when Jersey Village and
Klein Forest high school JROTC students will be volunteering!
I Neglect No One ,Not Even Myself ,Kids Feeding Kids school
base program will be put into action at an local elementary in
2023, which will be based off a food drive of non perishable
foods to be collected by 1st thru 6th graders classes, while
learning basic math, nutrition and the value of helping others.
These canned goods will be collected and then I Neglect will
distributed them to local food banks in their respective areas.
The 1st thru 6th grade class that collects the most canned
goods will be awarded with the help of the local community a
fully paid for, field trip to 3 local educational centers ,Space
Center Houston, Moody Gardens of Galveston and the
Children’s Museum of Houston.
I Neglect is in the process of obtaining its charitable bingo
license to conduct charitable bingo at a local commercial bingo
hall, this hall and I Neglect playing days will be posted here on
our site as more information is obtained.
I Neglect has formed a new board of directors and is looking
forward to partnering up with non-profits and local businesses
in their respective communities.
I Neglect Inc has had the same web-administrator for the last
14yrs and he has not gone un-noticed in I Neglect’s
community, never wavering on his dedication to SE Texas
underprivileged kids.
God Speed and God Bless